The Lofton Small Business Accelerator Program

Does it feel like your growth has stalled? Are you unable to scale at the pace needed to compete with the established players in your field? What got you here today will not get you to tomorrow. Let us analyze your day-to-day operations and help you gain a new perspective on how to improve and grow your business.

  • Discover Additional Profit. You deserve additional profit and revenue, let us implement our proven system for identifying expense structure opportunities, vendor expenses, as well as payroll structure review. As an owner and operator, it's easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day vision blocks that prevent you from seeing the forest through the trees. Let our experts show you the path to the additional profit you genuinely deserve.

  • What Gets Measured, Improves. Meaningful KPIs (Key Performance indicators) are vitally important in business. Whether you currently have KPI's in place or are looking to figure out what you should be measuring, let us implement our proven process of measuring what's important to have a better understanding of what is happening in your business.

  • Set Goals, Then Surpass Them. A goal without execution is just a dream. You have already created your dream business; now, let's refine your goals, so you have a clear understanding of the direction you are heading and what needs to be executed to keep your business momentum moving forward.

Sales Development

Too often we hear or are told “Sales is a numbers game”. Yes activity is important, but strategy and communication is key to relationships

  • There Is a Buyer and Seller in Every Interaction. If you go into a meeting as the seller and come out without closing, you become the buyer.

  • Building Rapport Matters. Building Rapport is more than talking about family and hobbies. Rapport also consists of matching and mirroring body language, communication preferences, and deploying these to improve your closing rate with prospects.

  • Learn the Lofton Approved Sales Process. Having a simple process will directly impact and improve your current selling behavior. Learn how the Lofton Sales Process will coach you on how to connect with your prospect, identify the buyer’s intentions and motives, speak “their” language, and how to close more deals with less traditional effort.

Leadership Development

It is no secret today that employee retention is a major pain point for business owners. 41% of employees are quitting because they don’t see development or advancement opportunities, and 34% are quitting because of uncaring or uninspiring leaders.

  • Manager or Leader? Learn the difference between a manager and a leader so you can start impacting your team’s morale and productivity

  • There Are 5 Generations in The Workforce. Find out what the difference is for each one, and what you or your team can do to maximize their needs so they can achieve the goals you set

  • One Size Does Not Fit All. Leading a team with just one leadership style is outdated and ineffective. Learn how using 4 different styles based on each employee can significantly improve results and job satisfaction.